KN95 Respirator Masks For Sale

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Where to Buy N95 or KN95 in Chicago

Where can I find N95 or KN95 in Chicago?

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This is one of the most frequently asked questions that we received as a company.  In pre-pandemic times, you could walk into a medical supply store in Chicago to find surgical N95s.  Or you could walk into any hardware stores in Chicago to find NIOSH N95s.  Now it has become like a treasure hunt depending on your city.  Well let us help you find it in your city.  Using data scraping and web automation tools, we’ll search and update this page with stores that offer N95 or KN95 in your city.  We can’t guarantee that it is quality, but we can tell you that you might be able to buy it if you walk into a store.

A History of COVID-19 in Chicago

by Shana Scott

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Chicago occurred on January 24, 2020. This case came from a lady who had returned to Chicago from Wuhan, China. A couple of days later her husband would be confirmed positive. This was then the first known human-to-human transmission in the United States. At this point, the U.S. advised against international travel, specifically to and from China. It would be six weeks before community transmission would become known in the area.

On February 29, 2020, Cook County would find its third confirmed case of COVID-19 in Chicago and the state of Illinois. 7 days later the state would confirm the first community transmission of COVID-19 in Chicago in a man who had neither traveled to the infected region nor was in contact with anyone who had.

The Governments Response to COVID-19 in Chicago

On March 9, 2020, Governor Pritzker declared a state of emergency for Chicago as the COVID-19 confirmed cases hit double-digits. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot would further cancel the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in light of the seriousness of COVID-19 in Chicago.

On the 16th of March, Pritzker closed all bars and restaurants as well as banned any gatherings of more than 50 people. On March 26th Lightfoot would close all parks, trails, and the lakefront due to over-gathering. The mayor would move forward in placing a curfew on liquor sales that remained in place until the end of Chicago’s stay-at-home order.

Chicago’s stay-at-home order went into effect on March 21, 2020, and has remained in various stages of placement since then.

PPE Shortages in Chicago

Chicago is just another example in a long list that experience life-threatening PPE shortages due to COVID-19. Many reports of our medical workers receiving inadequate supplies and too little supplies all while being told to reuse PPE. Reports of direct infection due to the unavailability of N95 masks during COVID-19 in Chicago are easy enough to find.

By the end of March, there were already 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Chicago in nurses due to a lack of PPE. The hospital denied these claims but the EMS workers have spoken out. Other reports came through of first responders who had been infected in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic.

The very people we needed to save our lives have been risking theirs in extreme ways. One Chicago nurse resigned after being refused permission to wear an N95 mask.

However, amid all the noise that has been raised, PPE is still running short a year into this pandemic. The sad reality is that doctors were even threatened with losing their jobs if they went to the press regarding the shortages of PPE.

Even more worrisome, is the amount of scams and fraudulent behavior that has occurred during this time. As shortages of PPE threatened the lives of our EMS staff, one Chicago man was accused of stealing more than $2.6 million that was to purchase necessary masks. These masks were never provided.

The shortage of PPE in Chicago even got the attention of a seven-year-old girl who proceeded to make accessories to raise more than $20,000 that was donated towards the purchase of PPE. Our youth is not all lost in this pandemic!

COVID-19 in Chicago Today

January 15, 2021 saw the first confirmed case of the new B.1.1.7 variant of COVID-19 in Chicago. Since then a total of 9 confirmed cases have been found in the state of Illinois. As of January 28, 2021, Chicago itself has over 232,000 cases while the surrounding Cook County is just over 217,000 and DuPage is closing in on 73,000. Work together. Wear a mask. Get the necessary information in regards to the PPE you are wearing. Stay safe. Save a life.


Potential KN95 or N95 in your city.


Home Improvement:

Home Depot sells HDX N95 respirator for 10 pieces/$17.97 which places each piece per mask at $1.80 per piece.  This is a good price for an N95. This is a private label Makrite respirator which unfortunately has a history of counterfeit.

Home Depot sells Makrite Sekura Flat Fold N95 respirator for 8 pieces/$12.97 which places each piece per mask at $1.62 per piece.  This is a good price for an N95. This is a Makrite respirator which unfortunately has a history of counterfeit.

Lowes sells KN95 made by Xam-Med for 10 pieces/$12.49 which places each piece per mask at $1.24 per piece.  This is not an FDA authorized KN95 and the quality is not known.

Lowes sells N95 made by Dasheng for 5 pieces/$7.49 which places each piece per mask at $1.49 per piece.  This is a good price for an N95. This is a Dasheng respirator which unfortunately has a history of counterfeit.

TrueValue sells KN95 made by Devon Medical for 5 pieces/$39.99 which places each piece per mask at $7.99 per piece.  This is not an FDA authorized KN95 and the quality is not known.  Also, TrueValue does NOT show in store availability.

TrueValue sells KN95 made by Co-win Group Limited for 10 pieces/$28.99 which places each piece per mask at $2.89 per piece.  This is not an FDA authorized KN95 and the quality is not known.  Also, TrueValue does NOT show in store availability.

Ace sells KN95 made by World Tech for 2 pieces/$2.79 which places piece per mask cost at $1.40 per piece.  This is not an FDA authorized KN95 and the quality is not known.  Also, Ace does NOT show in store availability.

Ace also sells KN95 made by Makrite for  2 pieces/$2.79 which places each piece per mask at $1.40 per piece.  This is not an FDA authorized KN95 and the quality is not known.  However, Makrite is a well known brand in the respirator industry.  Unfortunately, Makrite has been plagued by counterfeit respirators recently.  Also, Ace does NOT show in store availability.


Most large chain pharmacies do not list their KN95 or N95 availability.  There have been internet rumors about availability in these stores, but we cannot verify this in your city.


Many smaller chain pharmacies and medical supplies stores will commonly carry KN95.  Most of the brands are NOT FDA authorized and we recommend caution from using them as healthcare workers.


Home Depot Unavailable
Lowes In Stock
Ace Hardware Data Unavailable
True Value Data Unavailable
Rite Aid Data Unavailable
Walgreen Data Unavailable
CVS Data Unavailable
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